The Impact of your Gift

Thank you for considering a gift in your Will to the Plunket Foundation. Your legacy will help children in Aotearoa New Zealand receive the best start in life, for generations to come.

No matter how big or small, a gift in your Will to the Plunket Foundation is one of the most significant ways that you can show your support for children and whānau in New Zealand.

Your gift will help Plunket continue vital health and wellbeing services for children under five, including: 

  • Health and development checks
  • Postnatal support groups
  • Parenting advice and education 
  • Advocacy

The best way you can support Plunket’s work is to leave a percentage of your estate to the Plunket Foundation. Your gift will ensure that future generations don’t miss out on the much-loved services that you, your children and grandchildren may have enjoyed.

Download Gifts in Wills Guide 

How to include a gift in your Will

Gifts in Wills are some of the most thoughtful donations we receive. Gifts of all sizes are valued and appreciated. Many people find that a legacy gift is an ideal way to make a lasting, positive impact on families in New Zealand, without affecting their financial needs during their lifetime. 

We recommend that you discuss your plans with your immediate family and seek advice from a lawyer when updating or writing your Will.

If you have a straightforward estate, you might like to create an online Will with our partner, Footprint.

This includes a 25% discount, and there's no obligation to include Plunket in your Will when you take up this offer.

Information for your solicitor

Here is an example of useful and accurate wording covering legacy gifts:

“I bequest to The Plunket Foundation ________ % of my estate, (or) ________% of the residue of my estate, for the general purposes of The Plunket Foundation, with the registered charities number CC35424. The official receipt of an authorised officer of The Plunket Foundation will be sufficient discharge to my Executor / Trustee.”

Thank you for your thoughtful legacy gift, which will help children and families thrive, for generations to come.

Next Steps

Download our guide

The Plunket Foundation's Gifts in Wills Guide has all of the detail you may need:

Download guide

Get in touch

If you have any questions, please get in touch with our Philanthropy Manager, Loren O’Sullivan: 0274059442

You can also learn more about the Plunket Foundation here.

The Truby King Bequest Society

We would love to thank you for your generosity during your lifetime. If you let us know that you have left a gift in your Will to Plunket, you can become a member of the Truby King Bequest Society, named after our founder, Sir Truby King.

As a Society member you will receive newsletter updates, invitations to special events, and contact and support from our Philanthropy Manager.

Of course, if you wish to remain anonymous, we respect your privacy. Please know that you have our heartfelt thanks.

"Plunket had such a vital role in my early days and I want to make sure it is there to help mothers and babies today and in the future."

Sue Clothier, former Plunket baby, donor, and Truby King Bequest Society member.  

Learn more about Wills

We recently deep dived into this process with Ashleigh Watt, Senior Associate at Simpson Western. Find out more and watch our helpful video here.