Coffee groups

Coffee groups are a great opportunity for you to socialise with other parents in the local area, and can be a source of support to you as your baby develops. It's also a chance for your baby to interact with others in what may lead to his or her earliest friendships!

If you are interested in finding out more, contact

Play Group

All are welcome at the Moa Rd Playgroup,  a true treasure of the Pt Chevalier community, the playgroup is renowned for a laid back and casual nature in a unique old-school location. We are also MoE certified. Held in the Moa Rd Scout Hall every Tuesday & Wednesday during term time from 9:30am – 11:30am, it is suitable for all ages from newborn to five years of age. Overseen by a Playgroup Co-ordinator, the concept of ‘free play’ is encouraged, with active participation from parents and carers.

On fine days the fabulous grass outdoor area is maximized with sandpit and bikes, while the all-weather hall is home to art, playdough, puzzles, dress-ups and more. A shared morning tea of fruit for the children is a feature of every session, as is mat-time with reading, singing and dancing.

At a cost of $4 per family and a piece of fruit, it's a wonderful activity for the whole family – not to mention a slice of sanity for the adults (with the added bonus of good coffee and baking!).