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Maraea Makiha

 Tēna tatou e te whānau

He Uri tenei no Tamatekapua
Ko Tuturu me Matawhaura nga Maunga
Ko Puarenga me Ohau nga Awa
Ko Tuhourangi me Ngati Pikiao nga Hapu
Ko Te Pakira me Te Takinga nga Marae
Ko Te Arawa te Tangata
Ko Te Arawa te Iwi

Ko Maraea Makiha ahau. E noho ana au ki Kirikiriroa. Kei roto au it te Rōpu Ringa Raupa
Tokorima oku Tamariki, Tokorua oku mokopuna.

My Journey with Plunket started on March 2012, where I was employed as a Kaiāwhina for the Waikato area.

During my time as Kaiāwhina I facilitated groups such as Basic Child and Infant CPR, Tikanga Ririki – Māori Parenting practises incorporating Kupenga, Whilst studying towards my Bachelors of Social Work - Biculturalism in practice.

Te Tohu Paetahi o nga Whakarara Oranga with Te Wananga O Aotearoa, which I graduated from in 2014. I am also a qualified Smoking Cessation Quit coach.

Over the years I have been fortunate enough to sit in many teams such as Whānau Awhina Whānau Ora team, Whirihia team and more recently Ringa Raupa Team.

I am passionate about advocating for my people, ensuring that they are being heard, valued and seen.

Meet our Kaiārahi Māori:

John Hamlin

Ngā mihi mahana, Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou
Ko Maungapohatu tōku maunga
Ko Tauranga tōku awa
Ko Mataatua tōku waka
Ko Ngāi Tuhoe tōku iwi
Nō Waimana ahau
Nō Wainuiomata e noho ana
He Pou Taki tōku tūnga mahi
Ko John Hamlin tōku ingoa
No reira tēna koutou, tēna koutou, tēna koutou katoa

I have worked in roles throughout my working life, from private enterprise, to government to corporate roles. Most of my working life has been in IT.

I joined Whānau Āwhina Plunket in Oct 2020 during the COVID-19 era to a completely different role. So far, I have been involved in Policies and other governance boards which has given me an insight into Whānau Āwhina Plunket.

In my role as Pou Taki - Cultural Advisor, it has been something that is taking time to adjust to after life in the Corporate world. I have been working on guidelines for running whakatau (Welcome) internally and demystify the whole process.

At the moment the focus is on Pro-Equity and our commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi principles. We have a set of principles and values which are being embraced within our organisation to help in how we work with each other as well as how we work with our whānau and pēpi. Keeping these in mind, Māhaki, Mānaaki, Tūhono and Māia, we can navigate the journey of Pro-Equity with a lot of support for each other.


Leslie Hiwarau

Tēna koutou

He pepeha mai i te taha o toku pāpa
Ko Hoturoa te Rangatira
Ko Tainui te Waka
Ko Rangiahua te Maunga, kei uta ko Kapuarangi
Ko te wai tapu a Wainui e rere ana ki te Moana nui o Toi
Ko Torere-nui-a-rua toku Tipuna
Ko Manaakiao, te uri a Toi te tangata whenua
Ko Ngai Tai te Iwi
Ko Torere Te Marae 

I whakatipu ake ahau no te rohe o Mataatua, na te whānau o tōku mama. 
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Putauaki te maunga
Ko Rangataiki te awa
Ko Ngāti Awa te Iwi
Ko Ngāti Hāmua te hapū
Ko Rongotangiawa te Tipuna whare
Ko Te Kiriwera Hana te Wharekai
Ko Te Mapou te marae 

Ko Leslie Hiwarau ahau.
Ko Desmond Hiwarau i tōku hoa Rangatira, no Te Teko ia.
E toru a māua tamāriki, e rima aku mokopuna.
No Ngāti Pukeko ki te Poroporo e noho ana. 

I have worked extensively across the Social and Health sectors for over 15 years. My Whānau Āwhina Plunket journey began nine years ago as a Kaiāwhina. I had the privilege of serving and supporting whānau within the boundaries of Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Ngai Tai, Te Whakatohea, Ngai Tūhoe, Ngati Awa me Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau. Establishing an extensive network and rapport with kaimahi, whānau, local community services, Iwi providers, tohunga and kaumātua.

I have facilitated wānanga for māmā in Whakatāne; provide support for kaimahi - helping to connect with kaumatua, whānau and kaupapa Māori events in the community. I am a part of a collaborative external rōpu ‘Ukaipō’ who support and advocate for breastfeeding māmā.  

I am currently the Māori capabilities advisor (March 2022) for the Ringa Raupa, and currently completing my Bachelor of Humanities with Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.