Support Kiwi dads

Since 2019, the number of calls to PlunketLine from men has risen over 30%.

Their #1 reason for calling is because their child is sick. Naturally, they’re worried.

Thanks to your generosity, we listen. Advise. Guide. Reassure. On Father’s Day – and on every day. Whenever it’s needed. 24/7.

Whether he’s a first timer or an old hand, thank you for helping Plunket to help each dad feel more confident and supported.

How you can donate

Donate online today using the form below.

Or please call 0800 20 55 55 or email

You can also donate via bank transfer:

Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust 


Make sure that you include your supporter number in the reference fields. If you don't have a supporter number, an address would be helpful.

View our privacy policy here

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